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Educational Technology

District 155 supports and encourages the integration of technology into the classroom as it relates to providing a quality, future oriented, learning environment. The district is currently a 1:1 Chromebook and Google Workspace District.  While the majority of technology usage involves the use of Chromebooks, the district does maintain computer labs in each library along with peripherals, such as scanners, digital cameras, and digital video camcorders.  Web cams to support connecting students with experts worldwide are available for check-out by teachers.

In addition to hardware, District 155 has adequate licensed copies of core productivity software available in the classrooms and libraries. 1:1 Chromebooks along with Google Workspace make the technology ubiquitous in our buildings, which we believe will encourage faculty and staff to utilize and integrate technology on a more widespread basis. District 155 provides professional development for all administrators, teachers, librarians, and aides. Training and support is provided to ensure that students receive the assistance they need in the classroom to utilize technology as a crucial tool for learning.  

Our district is dedicated to preparing its teachers and students for an information-based, technological society where they will adapt teamwork and problem-based learning strategies as pedagogical tools for the future.

District 155 continues to improve our infrastructure by regularly upgrading our network and classroom hardware. We have a highly qualified network engineer on staff. This individual is responsible for maintaining the district network, including Security, Firewalls, Antivirus, and Disaster Recovery. He designs and improves our local area network and high-speed T1 connections. He also installs and maintains all district hardware and software applications.

District 155 applies annually for funds for telecommunications and network upgrades through the federally funded E-Rate program. In 1997 the Federal Communications Commission adopted a Universal Service Order implementing the Telecommunications Act of 1996. The Order was designed to ensure that all eligible schools and libraries have affordable access to advanced Telecommunications Services, Internet Access, and Internal Connections. District 155 meets the eligibility requirements and is able, through this program, to receive discounts on these services.


Educational Technology