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Student Services (Special Education)

Student Services Header

On behalf of the Student­­ Services Administrative Team and myself, I want to welcome you to Calumet City School District 155 and the supports that we are able to offer our students with special needs. Calumet City School District 155 has a long-standing philosophy and practice of including students with diverse learning abilities within the school community. For some students, inclusion in general education classes is appropriate, while others may have different opportunities to interact with their peers throughout the school day. At each level, students with special needs are a part of the school community and are valuable members of their class. We continually strive to support inclusive practices while customizing the learning experience for each of our students by implementing the following values:

  1. Treating staff and students with dignity and respect
  2. Creating classrooms that promote active student engagement
  3. Supporting data driven decisions utilizing common, formative and summative assessments
  4. Offering meaningful and sustainable professional learning opportunities
  5. Preparing students to meet secondary goals
  6. Promoting CHAMPS

In addition to our inclusive practices, District 155 also supports our students by offering a variety of services that are tailored to meet their unique learning challenges. Whether a challenge in the area of motor functioning, communication, emotional regulation, or assistive technology, we have an extremely knowledgeable and dedicated staff to support student needs. 

We hope that you find the information we have available online to be both helpful and informative. We realize that navigating the student services system can often be challenging and confusing. Nevertheless, it is our intent to give you the resources that you need to feel comfortable as you partner with us for your child’s success. Remember Calumet City School District 155 is a place “Where Learning Never Ends”.

The responsibilities of the Student Services department include but are not limited to:

  • Special Education Programming
  • Section 504 Eligibility and Compliance
  • Nursing Services
  • Homebound Instructional Services
  • Homeless Student Services
  • Social Emotional Learning

Lastly, Calumet City School District 155 maintains membership in the ECHO Cooperative which assists us in fulfilling obligations to the district’s students with disabilities by providing a continuum of special education services. If necessary, students may also be placed in nonpublic special education programs or alternative special education facilities. For further information please contact Dr. Joyce L. Nelson, Director of Student Services.

Early Childhood
Case Managers - Special Education
Health Services
English as a Second Language
McKinney-Vento Homelessness


Additional Resources

Authorization for Release of Information

Parent Safeguards

Parent Safeguards (Spanish)

Notification Regarding Related Service Logs

Notification Regarding Related Service Logs (Spanish)

Interpretation Service Notice for IEP Meetings

Interpretation Service Notice for IEP Meetings (Spanish)

IL ABLE Public Education Spanish Brochure

IL ABLE Public Education English Brochure

Illinois Department of Human Services' - Understanding PUNS - A Guide to Prioitization for Urgency of Need for Services

Illinois Department of Human Services'- Understanding PUNS- A guide to Prioritization for Urgency of Needs for Service- Spanish

Dr. Joyce L. Nelson
Director of Student Services

Samantha Rubalcava
Case Manager

Kathy Martin
Case Manager

Jacqueline Renko
ESL Coordinator

Nikee Ford
Nurse-Wentworth Jr. High

Lucinda Carruthers
Nurse-Wentworth Intermediate

Jessica Martinez
Nurse-Wilson Elementary

Michelle Kirk
Social Worker

Keisha Taylor
School Psychologist

Jennifer Fabian
Administrative Assistant


Contact Information

  • Phone  708-868-7559
  • Fax  708-868-7555

------- Student Services 24-25 Newsletters -------

Dr Joyce L Nelson

Director of Student Services

Welcome Back! The Department of Student Services is preparing for the 2024-2025 school year with new team members stepping into major roles. We welcome Ms. Kathy Martin, Interim Case Manager, Ms. Jacqueline Renko, ESL Coordinator and Ms. Nicole Griffin, Administrative Assistant. Their energy, experience, and intelligence will benefit the District’s more than 900 students and their families. 
Calumet City School District 155 strives to understand students as individual learners with special needs and learning styles. We take pride in providing comprehensive programs and services to support the academic functioning and well-being of students while honoring their multiple and diverse identities. 
As Director of Student Services, the team and I will lead the efforts to sustain a culture of inclusion and belonging for all students and ensured compliance with federal and state mandates, develop and manage substantial grant funds, and minimize disproportionality efforts. 

Calumet City School District 155 is a member of the ECHO Cooperative and on occasion children require a level of support that cannot be met in the District. Therefore, the District partners with the programs at ECHO to ensure that the needs of every student is met.

Lastly, the DSS team will extend professional growth activities to more than 100 staff members, update District-level special education policies to meet current rules and regulations, and address bilingual service gaps by maximizing our services offered through our ESL program. I am once again looking forward to embracing boundless possibilities while serving the students in Calumet City SD 155 in an educational environment where “Learning Never Ends”. Feel free to stop by our office if you have any questions or just want to say “Hi”.